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UK Embassy in Delhi Catches Fake Visa Agents, Takes Legal Action

Last Updated: 30 Sep 2023

Written By: Author stuti

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The British High Commission in New Delhi has issued a formal communication to the Delhi Police, alerting them to the presence of fraudulent visa agents operating in the vicinity of Delhi. These unscrupulous agents have been aiding individuals from Haryana, Gujarat, and Punjab in securing visas through the submission of falsified documents. This revelation was disclosed by the police on Friday, and they have subsequently initiated legal proceedings in response.

In their official communication, the British High Commission emphasized the existence of deceptive visa agents operating within and around Delhi. These agents are suspected of being part of a larger organized criminal network. Their modus operandi appears to involve providing counterfeit and forged documents to applicants seeking visas to the United Kingdom. This alarming discovery was reported by Andrew Longley, Third Secretary (Immigration) Immigration Enforcement International, British Deputy High Commission.

Furthermore, an exhaustive examination has identified two principal agents responsible for submitting a minimum of 164 visa applications to the British High Commission in New Delhi. These applications were paid for using eight distinct credit cards. Alarmingly, 107 of these visa applications are confirmed to contain fraudulent and counterfeit supporting documents.

The British High Commission has also shared pertinent information with the Delhi Police, including personal details and contact information of the suspected wrongdoers.

The Delhi Police have affirmed their commitment to investigate this matter thoroughly. An FIR has been registered, invoking relevant sections at the Chanakyapuri police station. The police are presently scrutinizing the shared data with their on-ground teams, and appropriate legal actions will be taken in accordance with due process.

This collaborative effort between the British High Commission and Delhi Police seeks to thwart the illicit activities of these fraudulent visa agents and safeguard the integrity of the visa application process.

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