“Japan Digital Nomads Visa : Self-Employed Eligibility with Private Health Insurance Required. See Details Here.”

Japan is rolling out a new visa program tailored for digital nomads, catering to professionals who seek to work remotely while traveling. Set to debut by the end of March, the Digital Nomads visa presents a six-month opportunity for individuals who earn a minimum of ¥10 million (about ₹56 lakh) annually.

Japan Digital Nomads Visa : What is the aim of the program?

The purpose of the visa is to entice digital nomads from 49 countries and territories with which Japan has tax treaties and agreements allowing short-term visa exemptions. These encompass nations such as the US, Australia, and Singapore.

Japan Digital Nomads Visa : Who are eligible for the visa?

According to reports, self-employed digital nomads are eligible for the visa if they have private health insurance.

Japan Digital Nomads Visa: Does it extend to recipient families?

The visa’s unique benefits also encompass spouses and children of the recipients.

While immediate visa extensions upon expiration are not permitted, digital nomads may reapply for a visa six months after departing Japan, enabling them to prolong their stays in the country.

Japan Digital Nomads Visa : What does the visa not cover ?

Recipients of the visa will not receive a residence card or certificate and consequently, are ineligible for government benefits. Additionally, the visa is non-renewable, requiring applicants to wait outside Japan for a mandatory six-month period before reapplying.

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